The dancefloor was a swirling mass of sound and light punctuated by the undulations of the people around you, of whom, it became incresingly clear you were one.
Oh fuck, we're at it again...
We’ve set the date for our latest dance party. It’s called SECRET PARTY. It’s not actually secret but hopefully you feel very special to have been invited.
If you have somehow found your way here without invitation you are subject to our secret caveat no. 1 which states:
“Visitation to this website is contingent upon express invitation. Therefore whatever the circumstances of your arrival, and seeing as it is only possible to be here with an invitation, if you are reading this we must conclude you are indeed here and so as of this moment you are indeed comprehensively and unreservedly invited and welcome to be here. In fact your presence here is the point and purpose of our very existence.” – The Organisers
Secret Party is our vain attempt to celebrate all that is good and fine and noble in partying. A re-visitation of the incredible role the dancefloor has played in all our lives, awakening, loosening, unravelling. It’s healed all of us in different ways and it’s brought all of us together.
It’s helped us in the search. But the search goes on..
There will be several secret dancefloors at Secret Party. Your job is to find them. The first one is in the Long Room, which we’re calling The Log Room and The Berlin Thunder Cave depending on what night you happen to be there.
During the days we have the secret central floor. Good luck finding that. It’s nestled between multi-storied and rustic, rendered buildings, it forms a true energetic focus point. The centre of the event. Surrounded on all sides by the buildings, paved with brick and open to the stars and powered by a full Funktion 1 array: warehouse containment without the ceiling. Do the math…
Around this are nooks and crannies in which to sit or hide; comforts and lounge areas under the eaves, fire bath and the new super not at all secret but completely imposing composting toilet block.
Around this extend grounds on which you can pitch a tent, explore the gardens and frolic amidst the fruit trees.
Sound familiar? Yep we’ve been here before. Here’s a gallery to jog your memory.


“I went to one of these parties and felt very confused. Nevertheless I had quite a good time”
Party attendee l
Ohio, USA
Memory Jog Wheel