secret party_neg

Friday 11th April
Sunday 13th April

It’s school holidays.

Wolfgangs Palace

155 Nalangil Rd. Nalangil

(2 hours west of Melbourne)

Acknowledgement of Country

This event takes place on the traditional land of the Kolakgnat people of the Gulidjan Nation. Land that was never ceded. We recognise their ongoing connection to the lands and waters. And the profound importance of their culture and dreaming, which has spanned tens of thousands of years. We pay respects to their elders, past present and emerging. We also recognise that any talk of climate justice must include First Nations Peoples justice.

What is this...

When we decided not to put on a NYE festival this year we made the commitment to throw one in April. This is that party.

Music will be a focus, and dancing. And all the things. Most people invited to this event have been to a previous iteration. So given we’re preaching to the converted we’ll keep the preaching to a minimum.

We aim to create no waste and cause no harm. So take your rubbish away with you and use it as an opportunity to see how light your footprint can be.

Let your campsite be an experiment in artful sustainability.

Create beauty. Care, share, be wild.


Secret Party will once again be situated over the grounds of Wolfgangs Palace, just west of Colac, 2 hours from Melbourne. The grounds offer:
  • Camping – A plethora of options from:
    •  The Orchard of Biblical Temptations,
    • The Eastern Block,
    • The Field of Dreams,
    • The Overlake Heights
    • The Grasslands of Grandeur at Lakeside at the back and down the hill (the quietest area for those who are family oriented & or noise averse)

  • 2 Toilet Temples – The new epic block, and down by the lake, these compostable drop toilets use the same system devised by Folk Rhythm & Life Festival, a locally designed ecologically friendly system that turns our human waste into bio-available compost. They are comfortable, private and if EVERYONE puts a double hand-full of sawdust on top of their deposit, the whole thing remains clean, benign on the nose and an opportunity for quiet repose and gentle reflection, whilst you judge the shit out of the things written on the walls.



  • Star Bath & Shower -In the open air beside the Shower Block, and replete with it’s own shower (cold) is the world renowned & epically majestic bush bath.

  • Star Kitchenelle -Auxillary Kitchenelle for everyone. 

Secret Activities

This list will be growing in the lead up to the event. If you’ve got something let us know by clicking the button:​

As much as we provide the space, the space is a canvas to which we each bring the palette of our creation.

Has become a mainstay of these events. Everyone bring something to share and we’ll sit down together on Friday night to consummate the occasion.

It is a secret dance party after all. And this is what we do. There are more to come…

Recent additions to the music lineup:

      • Simon Slieker
      • Andrew Till
      • Lil’ Stormer
      • Syme Tollens
      • Enclave (live)
      • Emmymaie
      • Montana Azul
      • Dj Situation
      • Miso Dj

Everything you could possibly ever need to transform yourself into your secret identity.

Incorporating Frisbee darts.

Featuring all of your dorky favourites: Finska, Cornhole, and Ketamine Croquet

lIn case you’re fucked.

Whilst we choose to care about the neighbours of Wolfgangs and thereby don’t want to dominate their lives for three days we do also care about having AMAZING AUDIO – So to that end we’re very pleased to advise we’ve once again engaged the services of Dr.Ishtar and his Function One Doomsday hence we’ll have the beautiful humming quad array set up and maintained for quality assurance purposes by the evil professor himself.

We will have 2 bespoke sound environments.

  1. One indoors for night time, which due to popular complaint won’t be like a Berghain basement abyss, Thereby shooting lasers and fae spells throughout the chamber.
  2. One outdoors, the much loved eastern wing garden of delight, complete with all the fun of dj’s melting down in the cutaway water tank.

Get in touch

We’ll have activities and we invite you to get in touch with us about what you might like to offer as well. In that way this is somewhat of a co-creation.

Let's talk...

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